
  • Central Computer Center (CCC) provides easily accessible and excellent computational facilities to the faculty and students.
  • Our entire campus is connected with seamless wireless connectivity using Cisco Access Points.
  • Web security Gateway are installed for Malware/ Spyware/virus detection at the gateway level.
  • Windows Server update services are installed for Patch Management in the entire campus.
  • GBU official website is developed maintained by CCC In-house.
  • CCC provides Network, Software & Hardware support.
  • Antivirus and Spam Protection:
    The Central Computer Center provides Anti-virus & Spam Protection at the server and the gateway level for PC's, laptops, email and web services. Additionally, all PCs, laptops in the University and campus that have been provided with connectivity of window update server that updates antivirus automatically on daily basis.
  • Backup and Recovery:
    The Central Computer Center provides backup of all the systems present in the campus.A user can request for restore of the files available on backup tapes, giving full path names of files/directories to be restored. User can also put request on paper and submit to Central Computer Center.
    For Data Backup/Recovery:
    Contact No: 0120-234 6237
  • Email Service:
    All University officials, faculty members of Departments and students are provided with Email ID's. All mail services are accessible using Web browser or Gmail app. Email facility is provided to the user by Central Computer Center. All users are given unlimited space for emails storage and Google Drive. Maximum size of outgoing mail can be 30 MB, and the maximum size of incoming mail can be 30 MB.