About Us

  • The Central Computer Center is a central facility that caters to the computing needs of faculty, staff, and students. This facility operates 24x7 throughout the year, serving as the hub for computer-related services on the campus. It is well-equipped with advanced computers, necessary peripherals, and essential software. Additionally, the Central Computer Centre is equipped with power backup through two high-end 80KVA UPS units and a generator set. Air conditioning is provided by a precision AC & VRV AC plants.
  • Linux/Windows desktops are accessible in all classrooms across various school labs to facilitate e-learning and interactive lab sessions during classes. The CCC network backbone operates on Fiber Optic connectivity, interconnecting the computer centre, Schools of Studies, and administrative offices. The University is equipped with a 2 Gbps bandwidth for Internet connectivity obtained from the National Knowledge Network (NKN) and other ISPs.


Mail Server

Email handling system managing sending and receiving messages.

Web Server

Software that serves web pages to users upon request over the internet.

DNS Server

Translates domain names to IP addresses for internet communication.

DHCP Server

A DHCP Server automatically assigns IP addresses to devices on a network.

File Server(FTP)

Centralized storage system for sharing files over a network.

Proxy Server

A proxy server intermediates requests between clients and external servers.

Backup Server

A Backup Server stores copies of data for disaster recovery purposes.

Network Monitoring Server

Centralized system overseeing network performance and security.

Application Server

Libsys Server, Matlab, SPSS(Statistical Package for the Social Sciences)


A computer virus is a malicious software program loaded onto a user's computer without the user's knowledge and performs malicious actions and can explicitly copies itself. Viruses, by definition, add their code to your system in such a way that when the infected part of the system executes, the virus does also. e.g - Browser Hijacker, File Infector, Macro Virus, Polymorphic Virus, Multipartite Virus, Direct Action Virus, Boot Sector Virus, Web Scripting Virus, Memory Resident Virus,FAT Virus.
When you execute program code that's infected by a virus, the virus code will also run and try to infect other programs, either on the same computer or on other computers connected to it over a network. And the newly infected programs will try to infect yet more programs. When you share a copy of an infected file with other computer users, running the file may also infect their computers; and files from those computers may spread the infection to yet more computers. If your computer is infected with a boot sector virus, the virus tries to write copies of itself to the system areas of floppy disks and hard disks, Then the infected floppy disks may infect other computers that boot from them, and the virus copy on the hard disk will try to infect still more floppies.
There are a number of simple precautions you can take to keep your digital personal information secure:
  • Without harping on the subject - keep your antivirus up to date and protect yourself from trojans!
  • If you must store personal information on your machine, encrypt it.
  • Use strong passwords, that is: Use minimum 8 characters long combination of Alpha-Numeric and Special symbols meaningless words (e.g. A@20$z_Y).
  • Keep your Operating System and Applications up to date and patched against the latest discovered vulnerabilities.
  • Do not run files that are sent to you, unless you are completely sure of their integrity.
  • Do not click on hyperlinks from people you don't know.
  • Install a firewall application, particularly if you are connected to internet.
  • Ensure that the browser you use supports security and is capable of encrypting information that you may send.
  • If you are getting rid of an old machine, ensure that you have wiped the hard disk (using a wiping utility) deleting the files is not precaution enough.
  • Read website security and privacy policies.
Mobile optimization is crucial for SEO because search engines prioritize mobile-friendly websites. With the increasing use of smartphones, search engines like Google consider mobile responsiveness as a ranking factor. Websites that provide a seamless experience on mobile devices are more likely to rank higher in search results.
Backlinks, or inbound links from other websites to yours, play a significant role in SEO. They are considered a vote of confidence and can improve a site's authority. Quality over quantity is crucial when acquiring backlinks. Strategies for obtaining backlinks include creating high-quality content, guest posting, reaching out to industry influencers, and participating in community activities. It's important to focus on natural and ethical link-building practices.


Name Designation Contact No. Email ID
Dr. Sandeep Singh Rana (System Manager) +91 120-234 4246 sandeep@gbu.ac.in
Mrs. Pallavi Upadhyay (Technical Superintendent) +91 120-234 6232 pallavi@gbu.ac.in
Mr. Raj Kumar (Technical Superintendent) +91 0120-234 6234 raj.kumar@gbu.ac.in
Mr. Kailash Chand Sharma (Hardware/Software Support) +91 120-234 6237 ksharma@gbu.ac.in
Mr. Surendra Pratap (UPS/Cartridges Refilling/Audio-Video) +91 120-234 6232 surendrap@gbu.ac.in
Mr. Abhishek Tripathi (Web Developer, B.tech CS) - at5642tripathi@gmail.com

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